WWW Wednesdays – September 5, 2018


What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?

Time for another WWW Wednesdays, which is brought to you by Sam @ Taking on a World of Words. If you too want to participate, answer the above questions and post that link on Sam’s page.

Currently Reading

Finished Reading

The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas


I didn’t get a lot of time to read this past week, as I had family in town for the holiday weekend, so I just focused on completing this epic novel for a book club that meets tomorrow. I found an unabridged audiobook version through my local library’s Hoopla Digital. (I like to plug my local library and its services as much as I can.) This version was longer and contained more chapters than any book copy I own, so I thought this would be the best option. Just a heads up that it is a beast. The audiobook was 52+ hours long. Unabridged physical book copies are more than 1,000 pages. I do wonder what the abridged versions cut out, because I did find sections to be slow, but on the other hand, those same sections helped the ending play out. It was a bit more of a thriller than I expected.

A young Edmond Dantès was set up for a crime of which he was wrongly convicted and sent to prison, which he escaped 14 years later. He then starts executing a plan of revenge against his conspirators.

While I was overall happy with this audiobook version, the narration was not the best. I listened to the version narrated by Bill Homewood. As this book spans both France and Italy, the narrator has to sometimes speak French and Italian. I can’t speak for the French pronunciations, but his Italian pronunciations were terrible – even in relation to locations. I also am not quite sure I always agreed with his voice interpretations. I have heard that there are better narrations, so I recommend looking into that before settling on this one.

I sometimes found it difficult to keep the characters straight, which maybe a symptom of my getting older, but I did find a Spark Notes link that I referred to every now and then, which really helped (see it here). Overall, if it wasn’t for the length and my occasional character confusion, this book was fantastic. It would normally take a month for me to finish a book of this size, but I finished it in just two weeks. With family in town, I found it difficult not to hide from everyone, so I could listen to what happened next.  This is definitely a classic everyone should read.

Reading Next

I am so thrilled to have just received my pre-ordered copy of Anne Bogel’s recent book I’d Rather Be Reading. I’ve been obsessed with her other book Reading People, since I picked it up last year, so I couldn’t wait to read her new one. This might be moved to my Currently Reading list by the end of the day.

What are y’all reading this week? Have you read or have any thoughts on the books mentioned on this post?


27 thoughts on “WWW Wednesdays – September 5, 2018

  1. Ooooh, The Count of Monte Cristo! I’ve been meaning to read more classics, but there are just so many new books that I get super excited about reading. lol

    • Oh I understand completely. I just try to make sure I read one classic every month. It helps that I am in a classics book club.

    • I know! I’m pretty proud of myself! 1200 pages normally takes me sooo long to get through that I often don’t read long novels like that.

  2. The Count of Monte Cristo is a book I’ve wanted to read for awhile now, but it does seem a little intimidating!

  3. The narrator of an audiobook can really make or break a book, can’t they?! It could be the best book in the world but if the narration isn’t right = bin it!
    I loved The Alienist after the first few chapters, as I found it quite psycho babble heavy to begin with, but after that – it was great. The adaptation that is on Netflix is very good too and true to the original story! Hope you enjoy it! 🙂

    • Of course! I’m obsessed. You can find out more about Anne Bogel on her blog ModernMrsDarcy.com or listen to her podcast What Should I Read Next. I’ve gotten so many good book recommendations from her podcast.

  4. What a great range of book you plan to read next. I always enjoy some Alexander Dumas from time to time. I do the same with books with too many characters or too similar in names – I have a sheet on my phone with them or the wikipedia page opened. Happy reading!

  5. Overheard/read in a comment here that you’re in a classics book club? That’s so cool! I’d love to read more classics, and having someone to read and discuss them with sounds like a great way to make yourself read more classics in general! And I’ve only heard good things about I’d rather be reading! Really wanna read it at some point x
    Great post! Happy reading this week x

    • Yeah…I move around a lot, and I always try to find a local book club or four to join. It’s a great way to meet people where you at least have books in common. I love Classic Fiction discussions. Try looking on meetup.com or with your local library if you are interested. “I’d Rather Be Reading” is just a beautiful book. I’m already a good deal into it and will probably finish today if I can tear myself away from work for a bit.

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